Week beginning 19th September
This week the children are talking about their families and learning that all families are different. We read the story Guess How Much I love you and talked about the people we love. In RE the children learnt as well as our own families, we're all part of a God's family and also our school family. Some children have been drawing pictures of their own families and other re-enacting family life in the home corner. We are also painting our own self-portraits for our class display which we will show, once it's finished. Have a look at what we've been up to.
Painting Self Portraits
Drawing Pictures of Our Own Families
Role Playing Family Life
Yesterday was our St Bernard's celebration day. The children loved having a surprise visit from the ice-cream van!
Look who came to visit us today! Finn the therapy dog! We loved stoking him.
For Golden Time today the children asked to play on the bikes and some of the Reception children asked to play Duck Duck Goose. The Reception children had lots of fun showing the Nursery children how to play!