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St Bernard's RC Primary School

Believe. Grow. Succeed.

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Year 2 - Miss Dolan

Welcome to Year 2!


Our class teacher is Miss Dolan and our teaching assistant is Ms. Green. Over this next year, we are going to strive to be resilient and curious learners who follow the St Bernard's Way. So far, we are doing a marvellous job of settling into Year 2. We are showing respect to one another and our teachers, listening to the guidance of Jesus, St Bernard and our class saint, St Patrick of Ireland, as well as being ready to learn each and every day.


Please follow our class page to find out about what we have been learning in class each week, our homework and important information about our class as we progress through the year. 

Things to Remember!


  • Tuesday and Friday are our PE days - please pack joggers in with your PE kit for the winter months ahead. The children will be dressed in PE kits for most of their PE days, so we must keep warm!
  • Please send PE kits into school at the start of half term. These are to be kept in school and are to be sent home to be washed every half term.

Our Class Timetable 

This is our weekly class timetable. Please use this with you child so they know what they will be up to each day of the week in class.
