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Week beginning 6th May

The Nursery children have been learning about 2d shapes this week. They went on a shape hunt around school and look what they found.

In RE we learnt all about Mary and how she was a very special mummy. The children came up with their own words to describe Mary,

The EYFS children have been learning the Hail Mary prayer and even how to sign it.

In maths, the Reception children have been exploring the 2d shaped faces on 3d shapes.

Reception have been also exploring which 3d shapes can be stacked and which are the best to travel down a ramp! Much fun was had!

Exciting news! Our caterpillars have turned into butterflies! We have fed them some sugary water on some flowers and tomorrow we are going to release them back into the wild in the forest!

We had a wonderful golden time today. We released our butterflies into the forest. Some of them didn’t want to leave our children’s little hands. We also did some planting with year 6 in the forest and also made fruit caterpillars. What a lovely way to end the week.
