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Week beginning 31st October

We have been busy investigating circles and triangles today and using vocabulary to describe them such as curved and straight. We were then set a challenge to find as many as we could in our room!

Today in Maths we've been identifying shapes and using shapes to make a picture.

What a fantastic start to this half term! We have been busy making Diwali lamps, mixing pumpkin soup, keeping active in PE and practising making words with our new sounds.

As well as learning how Hindu people celebrate Diwali, we listened to the story of Rama and Sita and the Ten headed monster to find out why Diwali is called the Festival of Light and why Diva Lamps are lit. We even made our own Divas, made Diwali cards and made our own Rangoli patterns.

In RE we have been learning about Baptism and some of the Nursery children even acted out a Baptism ceremony.

Today we have been learning about bonfire night and fireworks. We've been making firework pictures and paintings outside and writing letters and making marks in glitter.

We even had a visit from Finn the therapy dog
