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St Bernard's RC Primary School

Believe. Grow. Succeed.

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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!



Our class teacher is Miss Dolan and our teaching assistant is Miss Flanagan. Over this next year, we are going to strive to be resilient and curious learners who follow the St Bernard's Way. We are showing respect to one another and our teachers, listening to the guidance of Jesus, St Bernard and our class saint, St Elizabeth of the Trinity, as well as being ready to learn each and every day.


Please follow our class page to find out about what we have been learning in class each week, our homework and important information about our class as we progress through the year. 





Things to remember:


  • Our PE days are on Mondays and Tuesdays. Please have a pair of trainers or pumps in school that can stay for the term. We have PE kits supplied in school.
  • Monday's PE lesson will be Swimming. Please pack a swimming cap, your swimmming costume or trunks and a towel. 
  • Please bring a water bottle each day filled with fresh water.
  • Please bring your school book bag along with your reading book and reading record
  • Our spelling test is on each Tuesday.
  • Our Times Tables test is on each Friday.
  • Please read each night  for 10 minutes -  ask an adult to sign your reading record in order to take part in the reading challenge. Remember that you will receive a certificate for every 25 reads completed at home! 100 reads = a special reading prize!



 Thursday 11th April - Class Mass

Wednesday 15th May - Class Liturgy

Monday 6th May - School Closed (Bank Holiday)

Friday 24th May - Lasy day of Summer 1

Monday 10th June - Back to School for Summer 2

Thursday 13th June - Class Mass

Sunday 30th June - First Holy Communion

Tuesday 9th July (PM) - Sports Day

Thursday 18th July - Class Mass

Friday 19th July - Summer Holiday 


We need practise our handwriting.

Please take the time to practise your letter formation. Remember - we are all trying to earn our pen licenses this year! smiley

Our Class Timetable: What will we be up to, today?
