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St Bernard's RC Primary School

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Week beginning 12th September

This week we begin our Read Write Inc lessons in class and are learning the images associated with the letters we will learn.  In maths we are exploring different ways of sorting objects.  In RE we are learning about the importance of our names and that we are all part of God's family.  As part of our topic "All About Me" we are talking about how we are all different but all very special and are starting to paint our own self portraits.  While we remember Queen Elizabeth, we have been talking about her special role and have read the story "When Peppa meets the Queen."  We are even painting our own special pictures of Peppa and the Queen to display in school.  What a busy week!

The children have been busy painting portraits of the Queen this week.  Here are some of their masterpieces.

Today the children created a car wash area in the outdoor area and enjoyed washing the bikes together.

We have had a lovely day in EYFS today.  We read the story Peppa meets the Queen, we finished our Queen portraits and we even painted some Peppa Pig pictures too! We decorated some crowns with finger paint to add to our St Bernard's book of condolences.  During Golden Time we made our own crowns and watched the beautiful clip of the Queen meeting Paddington.  Well done to the Nursery children who have settled in so well this week! You have made us very proud.
