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St Bernard's RC Primary School

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Week beginning 26th June

It’s another busy week in EYFS. We’ve had some new starters who have settled in well. We’ve seen some lovely outdoor play this week. Some children have been looking after some creatures they found. We’ve been reading the wordless story Flotsam this week and the children have been trying to hear the sound of the sea through our shells. They’ve been fascinated by the story and have been making their own junk modelling underwater cameras and sea scenes in the craft areas.

In RE we’ve been learning about Judaism and the children loved listening to the Hanukkah story of the oil lamp in the temple. Today they showed real interested and curiosity in the Jewish artefacts we looked at and the children went on to make their own Menorah with playdough.

One of our friends celebrated Eid yesterday so told us what he had done to celebrate with his family. We looked at a prayer mat and he showed us how it was used. We all enjoyed hearing about it.
