Year 6T
Year 6T
Welcome to Year 6T, Mrs Thorley and Mrs Tierney will work with the class this year supported by Mrs Frost and Mrs Appleton
Spring Homework tasks
Let's continue our learning outside the classroom. Don't forget that any work brought into school and shared will earn you 5 house points
World Book Day
On World Book day we had a fantastic time, designing our own book character masks and making a character potato. We also shared our masks with parents at the end of the day in our World Book Day Parade. Thank you to everyone who came to support us. We also visited Come Fine With Me, where a range of book characters had created their own favourite meals. We used our knowledge of literature to work out which meal belonged to which character.
Your child will bring home a paper copy of the spellings below. We will practise the spelling rules in class throughout the week. Spellings will be tested on Friday mornings.

Please encourage your child to read every night and record what they are reading in their reading records. Regular reading will really help them to make good progress in all their English skills.
Books are to be brought into school and changed on Tuesdays.
Each week we will complete an Arithmetic Test. These tests cover all areas of maths, some of which we have not yet covered in Year 6. So far, we have completed a unit on Place Value, and have started to look at Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. These arithmetic tests will come home each week after we have marked them together and looked at key concepts. Please try to take a moment each week to go over this with your child.

PE lessons take place on Wednesday afternoons. PE kit is provided but please remember to bring a pair of trainers in and make sure you have a water bottle that you can refill.


I could not be more proud! Today Year 6T led the school in a moving tribute to those that have fallen. The whole school were treated to a footing somber Armitice reflection.

Meet our new friends