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St Bernard's RC Primary School

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Week beginning 13th March

Year 4 had a wonderful visit this morning from our local MP, Jeff Smith. He told us all about what it was like to be an MP, then we hit him with the hard hitting questions such as why are we importing meat from Australia instead of using our own meat suppliers? What is Manchester doing to tackle climate change? Why have the clean air zones been put on hold? Why are we not using more renewable energy? Mr Smith answered these really well and have reinforced Year 4’s mission to do more on climate change.

The Year 4 children came in to find that the White Witch of Narnia had trashed the classroom! We found a note which told us what had happened to Mr Tumnus and we used dictionaries to clarify any unknown vocabulary. We then went on to imagine there was an eye witness to Mr Tumnus's arrest. So in partners we came up with questions that we would ask them, to gather more information.
