What can I do to get more support?
For parents and carers
- Local Offer Drop-in sessions are held monthly in localities, these sessions offer a warm and welcoming environment for parents and carers to meet other parents and get information and advice from a wide range of partners. These include Manchester’s Parent Carer Forum (MPCF), Parent Champions, Short Breaks/Local Offer team, Early Help, Educational Psychology Service, School Nursing, and community providers. Dates and venues for drop-ins are published on our SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Local Offer.
- SEND Manchester local offer
- Sign up for the weekly Local Offer newsletter. This is sent as an email directly to your inbox and is packed full of useful information and events including the SEND Community Offer. Email ali.davenport@manchester.gov.uk and ask to be added.
- Parents and carers can join the Parent Champion Community through their Facebook page which provides peer to peer support and opportunities to get involved in a range of activities.
- Manchester Parent Carer Forum welcomes all parents and carers of children with SEND and provides support and opportunities to be involved in participation and coproduction.