British Values
To ensure children are prepared to live meaningful lives in modern Britain, all schools have a duty to promote the British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of others. Hand-in-hand with the values of our faith, we teach British Values throughout the curriculum and during PSHE lessons in particular.
- Reflecting the Chrisitan concept of equality, children learn the importance of democracy through class votes, charters and participating in discussions in which every voice is heard.
- School rules are upheld everyday, during class, assemblies, and playtime. Taking care to support children’s moral and spiritual development, we teach pupils to distinguish right from wrong and take responsibility for their behaviour, recognising the importance of rules in maintaining a safe and positive environment for the benefit of all.
- St Bernard’s provides a safe, supportive environment in which children are able to be themselves, explore their interests, and nurture their God-given gifts and talents. Trusted to follow the right path and treat others with kindness, children are free to make their own decisions and take responsibility for their actions.
- As one of the core values of Christianity, respect and tolerance of others is deeply embedded in our school ethos and culture. In RE and other subjects, children learn about people from other faiths, backgrounds and cultures, gaining an appreciation for our differences and the similarities that unite us.
Promoting these values helps children to live, grow and contribute as citizens in a way which fosters care and responsibility towards others and their environment. By supporting the holistic development of our pupils, we ensure children leave school prepared for life in modern Britain, as fully rounded members of society who treat others with respect and tolerance.