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St Bernard's RC Primary School

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Week beginning 4th March

On Thursday 7th March, we celebrated World Book Day in style, beginning with a book front cover quiz. This was followed by transforming a potato into a book character, a Come Dine with Me quiz whereby children had to guess which book character each meal represented, every single child in our class contributed to our classroom door decorations and the day ended with a catwalk to show off our mask creations. All of this was done in the comfort of our Pyjamas as well, to promote the idea of bedtime stories/reading. Well done everyone, we had a very successful, creative and hugely enjoyable time!

Decorating our potatoes as book characters...

Making our masks...

Book Quiz, to start off the day, dressed in our comfy PJs...

Decorating our classroom door...

With enormous thanks to Wood Street Mission, each child in the school was able to hand-pick three books to take home and keep. The children listened to part of a story and then had a great time selecting a range of books from fiction to science specific to their age.

... and finally, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of our wonderful mums who do THE most important job every single day! ... Take a look at the beautiful cards/flowers the children lovingly created...
