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Week beginning 18th November

In previous maths lessons, we secured our understanding of place value to 1000 and this week we applied this knowledge to measurement. We learned that Milli means 1,000 times smaller, while Kilo means 1,000 times larger, so there are 1,000 meters in a kilometer, 1,000 millimeters in a meter, 1,000 millilitres in a litre and 1,000 grams in a kilogram. We filled containers with water for capacity and passed round objects for mass, then took our learning into the playground and used meter sticks and a trundle wheel to measure our playground and get a better understanding of length.

Next, we compared two 4-digit numbers by looking first at their thousands digit and whether they were the same or different, so we could establish which number was the largest. If the thousand digits were the same, we then looked at the hundreds digit and so forth. We used counters and place value grids to exemplify this which helped us to develop a systematic approach to comparing and ordering numbers.

Finally, we looked at two of our maths characters, Lucas and Andeep, playing a 4-digit card game where they shuffled a set of 0-9 cards and took it in turns to turn a card over and decide where to place it. Following this, the children made their own cards and used whiteboards to play their own game where the winner was the player with the greatest number. They could choose to play the version where you can only put digits into your own boxes or the version where you have the option to put digits into your opponent’s boxes as well as your own. They enjoyed this maths game so much that lots of children insisted on taking them home to play. What a fun way to engage with maths!
