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Week beginning 6th January

Happy New Year everyone! It’s been lovely welcoming the children back after the Christmas break. The children have been making the most of the winter weather we’ve been greeted with this week!

In maths, Nursery have been working on subtizing number1-3 and reception have been using numicon to explore the different ways of making numbers to 5.

We’ve had a visit from a very naughty bus that has been wreaking havoc in our classroom at night! It also happens to be the story we’re reading in class this week! The children have been busy making maps of the buses route, writing lists of passengers on the bus and making and counting play dough people on the bus!

We’ve been busy in the home corner writing job lists to clean the house.

As part of our weekly Caritas work, we have been learning how Jesus was a good friend to everyone and how he asked us to love each other. We talked about how we can show love for each other and came up with some great ideas - working as a team, sharing books, hugging our friends and being kind to one another. Here are some of our freeze frames.
