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St Bernard's RC Primary School

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Week beginning 30th September

As the weather has turned decidedly autumnal, we’ve been hunting for autumn finds in our outdoor area.

Reception used our Autumn finds in maths to help us make repeating patterns.

As part of our topic “All about me” we’ve been talking about the houses we live in. This week we’re reading the Three Little Pigs and designing houses for the pigs. Today we explored how to attach items of junk modelling resources together to make a model.

As it is October, we’ve been learning about the Rosary and looking at the beads used to say the special prayer to Mary.

Both Nursery and Reception look forward to PE with our sports coach each week.

As part of our exploration of the characters from our story, today Reception have been hot seating as one of the three little pigs and Nursery have been re-enacting the story.

Outdoor fun.

We finished the week with golden time spent the forest!
