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Week beginning 4th November

In English, we have been studying the beautifully written and illustrated book 'Memorial' for a unit of poetry. This is a story about a tree planted beside a war memorial monument in a small country town by returned servicemen. In the book, the boy speaks with his Great Grandpa about his memories of time spent fighting in the war and we used this as inspiration for our war themed poetry. In groups, the children considered a number of thought-provoking questions and inferred meaning regarding the pictures and text.

The children have been learning how to count to 20 and name different members of their family in French. They loved putting their new knowledge to the test by participating in an interactive online quiz while also competing against each other for points. What a fun way to consolidate their language skills!

For this week's Caritas lesson, our class worked together to complete a jigsaw. This led to a discussion about the importance of each individual piece to the whole picture and then we compared this to our own unique qualities, contributions and importance in God's world.

Some members of our class visited our youngest children in EYFS, to tell them about our investigation into tooth decay. They explained about the experiment Year 4 had conducted with egg shells and a variety of drinks and explained why teeth brushing is so important. I know that they really enjoyed their visit to EYFS and the opportunity to help our little ones with their learning.
