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St Bernard's RC Primary School

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Week beginning 14th October

Take a look at the wonderful persuasive leaflets which our class has produced in order to encourage others to care for our oceans. These leaflets completed our English unit based on the brilliant text 'This Morning I met a Whale.'

We have now completed our Geography unit on 'Countries of the World.' The children have enjoyed investigating the different continents and countries, finding out about their climates and looking at similarities and differences between them.

In Science, we have been learning about teeth and their functions, the structure of a tooth and how to care for them. In our latest lesson, we planned and began an investigation into the efffects of sugary drinks on egg shells. Egg shells are used because they are made of calcium carbonate which is a mineral simlar to the calcium phosphate that teeth are made of. We discussed how to make this a 'fair' test and then made our own predictions about which drink will be the most and least damaging to the egg shells, when we return after the half term break.
