After School Clubs
We have made significant improvements to our after school club offer (as listed below). All of our clubs start this week (from Monday 9th January). All clubs end at 4.15pm. Please pick up from the usual gate on the playground.
Football, Years 5&6 (Mr Shaw)
Dance, Years 2&3 (Ms Marsden)
Rainbows, KS2 (Ms Green & Ms Cummings)
Lego Years, 1,2&3 (Ms Flanagan)
Gymnastics, KS2 (Ms Ozum)
Board Games, Years 4,5&6 (Ms Hanley)
Playdough Disco, Early Years (Ms McMahon)
Singing, Years 2,3&4 (Ms Coutinho)
Football, Years 5&6 (Mr Shaw)
Dodgeball, KS2 (Mr Farrelly)
Story Club, Early Years (Ms Cunningham)
In addition to this, our Choir will continue with their club on a Tuesday lunchtime.